Friday, September 14, 2007

Summer, Almost

A funny crash in seriously deep snow plus ...

... some TLC at the TC Clinic after a ride with patrol plus ...

... some warm, sunny weather and some frozen vegetables equals a strange way to get a little bit of summer while here in Wanaka. I'm continuing to make the best of it here, but in order to focus my attention on the upcoming ski season at home, speed is of the essence and the NZ system is thorough but not exactly quick. I'm leaving New Zealand for home on September 18th, about a month earlier than originally planned, in order to get the medical attention I need with a little haste. At least the flip-flops are getting to spend some time outside!

I fully expect to be back at 100% in time for Thanksgiving - fit for skiing, cycling, and for carousing with my niece, nephew and cousins on a full stomach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By chance came across your Page

Your comment < "has only two seasons: on and off season. " a common I know you are more hard core than that

Hey rest up I understand pain or I'd be OUT THERE my self

and if ever at Cardrona say hello to Bruce in Marketing

Take care and if you were t share a photo or , 4,Would post LINK Back from my site

.... "There is No Off season !" ...for guys like us