Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Further Musings

I have several thoughts in process which I have yet to share here - musings on Presidents' Week, the Olympics, and exclamations about the three plus feet of fresh snow that has fallen on our mountain over the past 36 hours. Today at Okemo we could have been excused for feeling as though we had been transported somewhere else, somewhere snowier - Utah, Hokkaido, Gullmarg. OK, maybe that's a stretch, but I have seldom laughed out loud that much while skiing.

Until I put pen to paper and crystallize my thinking, I'll share these two photos from last week. The sun is now rising as I leave from my house to head to work in the morning, and as it crests the hills it sheds light on a nearby pond in a way that is really stunning. There's nothing like a quiet morning on a snowy mountainside to put things in perspective. Enjoy.

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