Welcome. We're finally drawing the curtains on a long winter season here in Vermont, a season filled with some definite highs and lows. On the one hand, we had the worst start to a ski season in recent memory, with high temperatures, lots of rain, and crocuses up in our lawns during December. Of course the wet holiday season was followed by a few weeks of record-setting cold temperatures and a remarkably snowy March and April, just as we were ready for winter to end. On the other hand, I had a fanatstic season on the hill. I skied with many terrific new guests and reconnected with existing ones, all of whom were enthusiastic, eager and a great deal of fun. More than any other season as a ski pro, this winter it was the guests who helped keep my spirits up and my focus on the things that are so important to all of us. Together we shared in the process of evolving as skiers, enjoyed our time outdoors together, and challenged ourselves to experience all that the mountain has to offer, regardless of age or ability.
The necessary question to ask is what someone in my position does now that the season is ending, the days are long, and the weather has finally warmed up and dried out? Why, I'll head right out to the other side of the globe and have another winter of course. Just as my feet should start taking flip-flops for granted and my cycling fitness should be hitting mid-season form, I'll be off to Treble Cone on New Zealand's South Island for another wonderful ski season. I hope to use this blog to keep in touch with family, friends and guests, to provide some insight on my pending adventure, and to keep some small spark of the joy of winter burning in all of you this summer.
Have fun!